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Ashley Revell of London had a mad itch he needed to scratch.


The year was 2004. The initial tickle came from a casual drinking conversation with a friend. Revell couldn’t let it go.


The idea, in short, required Revell to liquidate all his possessions, travel to Las Vegas, and ‘bet it all’ on one spin of the roulette wheel. The idea was sheer lunacy. Yet Revell was just crazy enough to go through with it.

  1. A July 2014 episode of the TLC television series Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Featured an re-enactment of an emergency room physician’s account of a patient who left a tube of superglue on the.
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Revell sold off all his possessions over a six month period and traveled to the Plaza Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Then, one Sunday morning in April 2004, with his mom and dad standing behind him, along with a film crew, Revell placed $135,300 on red.

What happened next? Here’s Revell’s account:

The book has two bets, one for each team. Each bettor wants to win $100, so they have both bet $110. Two bets of $110 means the book has taken in $220. Whichever side wins the game, the book will pay out the original $110 bet, plus $100 in winnings, for a total of $210 paid out.

What Does A Trifecta Box Pay

“That spin was the most amazing moment of my life. It is a cliché but time did stand still. It was just complete calm because I had done all the hard work.

What Does A Trifecta Payout

“Everything had all been sold. I had no possessions. I had decided whether to go red or black. There were no more decisions to make – it was a complete feeling of freedom.

What Does A 10 Superfecta Pay

“The ball sort of bobbled around and then landed in what I thought was red but it disappeared slightly from view. I looked around and, as the wheel spun back into view, there it was resting in number seven. Red.Continue reading